Chaitra, teacher of Heskuttur School presents her view on education during Corono times.
Due to corona virus so many changes have occurred all over the world. It has affected all sections of life particularly education of students. The close of schools and other educational institutes due to the outbreak of covid-19 has led to an unprecedented impact on education.

During lockdown, teachers are instructed to teach online in private institutions. But in government schools, a scheme VIDYAGAMA has been launched. This program’s aim is to teach children face to face. This scheme is a continuous learning plan for children in government and aided schools in the State.
However the scheme got stopped due to opposition from various quarters over health issues. Concurring Basavraj Gurikar,President of Karnataka Primary School Teacher’s association said the scheme should be scrapped. ‘Nothing is more important than the health of children. The government should focus on health rather than implement such scheme that risks the lives of teachers and student .’
Chaitra-Heskuttur School